Brahma Samhita

Brahma Samhita
The Brahma Samitha (Praises by Brahma) is a Pancaratra Text (the Vaishnava Agamas dedicate to worship of Lord Narayana); composed of verses of prayer spoken by Lord Brahma glorifying The Supreme Lord Shri Krishna (Govinda) at the beginning of The Creation. Lord Brahma, the first disciple of the disciple succession started by Lord Shri Krishna. Lord Brahma, who has been given the task of material creation and checking the mode of passion, is himself created by Lord Shri Krishna, through His navel. 

Throughout Kaliyuga, the present age of quarrel and hypocrisy, the Brahma Samhita was relatively unknown, until the appearance of Lord Chaitanya, who recovered only Chapter 5 of the entire text. As a result, Chapter 5 is the chapter that is read, studied, and sung ever since. Spiritual initiation ceremonies are often began by chanting the fifth chapter of the Brahma Samhita in unison. 

Brahma Samhita presents methods of devotional service. Brahma Samhita explains the Garbhodakasayi Visnu, the origin of the Gayatri Mantra, the form of Govinda and His transcendental position and abode, the living entities, the Goddess Durga, the meaning of austerity, the five elements and the vision of transcendental love enabling one to see the Lord Shri Krishna

In Brahma Samhita, Lord Shri Krishna described the science of devotion to Lord Brahma. In the last two verses, Shri Krishna said:

Abandoning all meritorious performances serve Me with faith. The realization will correspond to the nature of one’s faith. The people of the world act ceaselessly in pursuance of some ideal. By meditating on Me by means of those deeds one will obtain devotion characterized by love in the shape of the supreme service. (Verse No. 61)

“Listen, O Vaydhi, I am the seed, i.e., the fundamental principle, of this world of animate and inanimate objects. I am pradhäna [the substance of matter], I am prakåti [material cause] and I am puruña [efficient cause]. This fiery energy that belongs specially to the Brahman, that inheres in you, has also been conferred by Me. It is by bearing this fiery energy that you regulate this phenomenal world of animate and inanimate objects.” (Verse No. 62)


Brahma-samhita revealed the philosophical conclusion of achintya-bhedabheda-tattva (simultaneous oneness and difference). Achintya means "inconceivable", bheda means "difference" and abheda means "oneness". There are two conflicting philosophies regarding the relationship between the Living Beings (Jiva Aatma, Soul) and God (Ishvara, Baghwan, SuperSoul).
Advaita School of thought
"individual soul and God are one and the same"
Dvaita School of thought
“individual soul and God are eternally separate"

The philosophy of acintya-bhedabheda-tattva merge the mystery that God is simultaneously "one with and different from His creation”. 

"One who knows God knows that the impersonal conception and personal conception are simultaneously present in everything and that there is no contradiction. Therefore Lord Chaitanya established His sublime doctrine: acintya bheda-and-abheda-tattva -- simultaneous oneness and difference." (A. C. BhaktiVedanta Swami Srila Parbhupada)

Illustrious Example:
The analogy often used as an explanation in this context in the relationship between the Sun and the Sunshine.  For example both the sun and sunshine are part of the same reality, but there is a great difference between having a ray of sunshine in your room, and being in close proximity to the sun itself. Qualitatively the Sun and the Sunshine are not different, but as quantities they are very different. This analogy is applied to the Jiva and God, the Jiva being of a similar quality to the Supreme Being, but not sharing the qualities to an infinite extent, as would the Personality of Godhead himself. Thus there is a difference between the souls and the Supreme Lord.

Sources:, Brahma Samitha Chapter 5, Wikipedia. (If any error in above article, please highlight and feel free to contact at