


Gayatri word composed of two words: “Gayat” means sin, and “tri” means deliverance, thus Gayatri means “deliverance from sin”. Gayatri Devi blessed the mankind by giving the "Gayatri Mantra", also known as the "Guru Mantra" or the "Savitri Mantra". Practice of Gayatri Mantra is the essence of all Vedas. Goddess Gayatri is also called "Veda-Mata" or the Mother of the Vedas. Lord Brahma, Lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva mediate and perform Jap of this mantra. Gayatri Mantra is said to be the food of Gods. This is the mantra that transforms human being to original nature by annihilating ignorance. The self (soul) is nothing but God but it has lost its identity because of ignorance. When ignorance is eliminated, we resume to our original nature. Gayatari Mantra is also considered as a prayer to the "giver of light and life" – The Sun (Savitur).

In the Bhagavad Gita (Chapter 10: Verse 35), Lord Krishna had proclaimed to Arjuna:

"Among all the mantras, I am the Gayatri".

The Mantra

Aum Bhur Bhuvah Swaha
Tat Savitur Varenyam
Bhargo Devasya Dheemahi
Dhiyo Yo Nah Prachodayat

                                                               ~ The Rig Veda (10:16:3)

The Meaning:

"O thou existence Absolute, Creator of the three dimensions, we contemplate upon thy divine light. May He stimulate our intellect and bestow upon us true knowledge."
"O Divine mother, our hearts are filled with darkness. Please make this darkness distant from us and promote illumination within us."
"May the Almighty God illuminate our intellect to lead us along the righteous path." 

Words of the Gayatri Mantra:

The first nine words contains description of the Ultimate Reality:
The Symbol of Brahman.  Absolute reality.
The Earth, The Past,  Tamas Mode of Nature
The Atmosphere, The Present, Rajas Mode of Nature
The Heaven, (Swarga), The Future, Sattava Mode of Nature
The Ultimate Reality is simply referred to as THAT.
Stands for the Divine Savitri, equated with the power contained within the Sun, (not to be confused with the ordinary sun).
Most excellent, Adore
Radiance, Illumination; Destroyer of obstacles
Divine Radiance or Grace
The Remaining words constitutes the PRAYER, for ultimate liberation through the awakening of our true intelligence
We contemplate or meditate upon ; We think
The Intellect, Understanding
Requesting, Urging, Praying; May enlighten

The "Vyahrities": Bhur, Bhuvah & Svah:
The three words of the Gayatri, which literally means "past," "present," and "future," are called Vyahrities. Vyahriti is one which gives knowledge of entire cosmos. Thus, by uttering these three words, the chanter thinks the Glory of God that illumines the three worlds

Benefits of Gayatri Mantra
  • Chanting of Gayatri Mantra removes all obstacles in our path to increased wisdom and spiritual growth and development. The teachings and powers incorporated in the Gayatri Mantra fulfill this purpose. Righteous wisdom starts emerging soon after Japa (recitation) of the Gayatri Mantra is performed.
  • Gayatri is Annapoorani. In the home where she is worshipped, the family will not cry for food or shelter.
  • Gayatri grants 'santana bhagyam', the good fortune of children in the family.
  • Peace and prosperity, health and wealth are obtained in the home.
 Note: Benefits are only for this, who recite Gaytari Mantra spiritually and with firm belief.