
Artha Shastra - Chankaya's Science of Politics


The "Arthashastra" is an ancient book written by Chanakya around 4th Century BCE on the art of politics, diplomacy, war, and national strategy. Chanakya (Kautilya, Vishnugupta) was scholar at Takshashila (Taxila). Later he became the Prime Minister of the Maurya Empire and was close associate and master of Chandragupta Maurya. Different scholars have translated the word "ArthaShastra" in different ways. Here are fews: "Science of Politics", a treatise to help a king in "the acquisition and protection of the earth"; "Science of Material Gain"; "Science of Political Economy" etc.

According to Chanakya, the primary duty of the king is to protect "Dharma" or righteousness in society. King who upholds righteousness and virtue will have happiness in this world. On the other side, king who uses his power improperly and unjustly deserves to be punished. The sacred task of a king is to strive for the welfare of his state’s people. The administration of the kingdom is his religious duty. His greatest gift would be to treat all as equals.

The Arthashastra is divided into fifteen separate books, each concerning a different aspect of statecraft.

According to Chanakaya:

"Sovereignty is possible only with assistance. A single wheel can never move, hence the king shall employ ministers and hear their opinion".
This bears a certain resemblance to modern business rules.

Arthashastra deals in detail with the qualities required for a King (Rajarshi, a wise and virtuous king). According to Chanakya, a Rajarshi is one who:
  • Has self-control, having conquered his senses;
  • Cultivates the intellect by association with elders;
  • Keeps his eyes open through spies;
  • Is ever active in promoting the security and welfare of the people;
  • Ensures the observance (by the people) of their dharma by authority and example;
  • Improves his own discipline by (continuing his) learning in all branches of knowledge;
Such a disciplined king should:
  • Keep away from another's wife;
  • Not covet another's property;
  • Practice ahimsa (non-violence towards all living things);
  • Avoid daydreaming, untrustworthiness, falsehood and lavishness; and
  • Avoid association with harmful persons and indulging in harmful activities.
·        Chanakaya says that artha (Sound Economies) is the most important; dharma and kaama are both dependent on it. Rajarishi shall always respect those advisers who warn him of the dangers of being too good, reminding him sharply of the times prescribed for various duties and cautioning him on his false judgment. An ideal king is one who has the highest qualities of leadership, intellect, energy & personal attributes. 

Arthashastra and Catustayam - Four Diplomatic Principles:

The Arthashastra contains the reference of Catustayam (Srimad Baghavatam Canto 7, Chapter 5 Verse No. 19), the four diplomatic principles: (Saam, Daam, Dand and Bhed).

Non-aggression Pact
The policy of getting work done through brotherhood. The solutions can be worked out to complex problems through (peaceful) negotiations
Gift, Bribery
The policy of getting work done through money The money works as catalyst in order to sort out issue when (peaceful) negotiations failed.
Strength, Punishment
The policy of getting work done through punishment Where Saam and Daam do not work, and then punishment is the third option. Depending upon the intensity of issue, the type of Dand is to be utilized.
Divide, Split, Separating
The policy of getting work done through Divide and Rule. When nothing (Saam, Daam, Dand) works, then this is the last option, though not encouraged at all by Chanakaya.

Apart from above four principles, Chanakaya recommended other strategies also in dealing with neighboring powers to Chandragupta Maurya. Such strategies are: Maya (Illusion, Deceit), Upeksha (Ignoring the enemy) and Indrajala (Faking military strength).

Note: This article is written on the basis of searching on Google & Books Preview available on Google books. For any mistake or further improvement for the text, please mail at mailing address.